Saturday, January 8, 2022

Booster shot muscle pain hacks

As a Shiatsu Practitioner I've managed to keep a fair distance from Western Medicine for the past 20+ years. It does take work to manage good health (a story for another post) and from the age of 40 I've found that taking an active part in balancing my own wellbeing has kept me away from doctors and hospitals.

In order to support the common good I went ahead and got the 2 x mRNA vaccines back in the spring and the other brand mRNA booster shot mid-December. All of the shots had minimal effects, though I certainly noticed a general need to power down for the day of the injection and part of the next day. With the booster shot I started feeling very sore muscles in the entire shoulder and upper quadrant on the side of the injection. This is not something I'm accustom to standing for, so started making use of the normal tools I have on hand and by the end of the third day the pain was no longer of concern. I spoke with a yoga teacher who had been boosted the same week and heard that she had the same muscle pain for a solid week! I told her about my remedies. She hadn't used them and didn't even think of them.

So here now I'm putting out the news of ways to more quickly alleviate muscle pain caused by the booster shot.

Apply a topical muscle relaxing remedy. I used a blend produced by Young Living Essential Oils called Aroma Sieze. This blend contains essential oils of Basil, Marjoram, Lavender, Peppermint and Cypress. Other ingredients to topical muscle relaxing rubs are Cayenne and Black Pepper, Wintergreen, Arnica, Comfrey and Ginger.

Apply heat. Hot water bottle is the simplest. A microwaveable rice bag or electric heating pad will also do just fine. Keep the heat on wherever it feels good for at least 20 minutes. Repeat as needed. This stimulates blood flow, allowing the muscle to unclench more easily. 

Use a foam roller. Start on the side in which you received the injection. Laying on the roller on your side at the lower part of the ribs (above the floating ribs), roll and breath your way up toward your armpit. As the roller is in the area of your shoulderblade, rotate your arm in circles both directions. You can move up to the top muscles of your arm, supporting yourself with the other arm and keeping up a Darth Vader-like breathing pattern as needed. If you start feeling the muscles lossen in areas farther from the main discomfort try moving the pressure to other areas of stiffness to expand the relief.

This is what worked for me. If you have other natural remedies that worked for you, please post them in the comments.

Wishing everyone a warm and healthy Winter,


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